Running initiatives

Your value-driven business architecture should be used to monitor, coordinate, and re-evaluate running initiatives. At the same time, your architecture should be further detailed, as it guides implementation decisions. Our routines and methods support an agile work approach for managers and architects.

How we can help

We help you with routines and methods to establish effective processes for evaluating ideas and initiating change using architecture.




Changes come frequently. A stream of change initiatives will transform the enterprise. This process must be managed using a value-driven business architecture. Leaders and managers will benefit.
We regard it as the most important tool for coordinating changes and systems development. The sequence can be derived from the information architecture. It is a must if your ambition is to
  • become an agile business
  • reduce cost, risk and time to market
Information is used to managed all of your business resources, like money, personnel, technology etc. It should be managed as a resource itself in the same manner as we manage other resources (how we plan, acquire, use etc). Information is abstract, and we need models to represent it. An information architecture holds these models and lets us manage information as a resource in a structured and controlled manner.
Change initiatives can span from small process improvements to large business development efforts. It can be a project, but not necessarily. So when we use the term “change initiative”, it is neutral for how work is organised.